
Showing posts from August, 2020

Recently diagnosed with asthma?

  There is never a good time to get diagnosed with asthma. And if you have recently been diagnosed with asthma, in these days of Covid-19 where patients are being managed with as little in-person contact as possible, the situation gets even more difficult. What should you do if you have recently been diagnosed with asthma? Keep a diary of any bad day and begin to build a picture of what triggers your asthma attack. See our article on how to know your asthma triggers here Use your preventer inhaler as prescribed by the doctors. You may need to keep one handy at all times. Imagine if you forgot to take your inhaler before leaving the house for work in the morning (assuming you are not homeworking like everyone else right now)! You don’t want to get to the office and then have to decide whether to drive back home or miss your morning dose entirely. Having a spare preventer inhaler in your car or in your office locker certainly helps, believe me. Keep a close eye on your blood ...

Asthma triggers

Do you know what sets off your asthma? Did you know that asthma triggers can vary from person to person? A person living with asthma has airways more sensitive to certain things than that of people without asthma, and so their airways can get more inflamed easily by certain triggers. If you are going to manage your asthma well, you have to understand as a person what triggers your asthma, so you can stay safe and well as much as possible. What is an asthma trigger? An asthma trigger is anything that can set off your asthma symptoms. Common triggers include colds & viruses, pets, dust mites, cigarette smoke, alcohol, cold weather, chest infection, pollen, exhaust fumes, emotional stress etc . The chart below - copyright Daily Express - shows the Top 10 causes of asthma attacks in the UK in 2018. You may have just one or two triggers, or several. And some triggers are easier to pinpoint than others. For example, you may notice that anytime ‘Neighbour A’ visits, you have a sneez...

New website launch. Check it out!

 We’ve launched our website! The new website has been months in the making as we have been working to put together a great website for our Customers. We want to be the one stop site for all your asthma tips and help resources. Our App is planned for launch in February 2021! You can now pre-register to download it for free, on our website. In the meantime, we are going to be regularly adding useful links to our website; post medical stories that are helpful including what you can do as a person to improve your own health; and even success stories as reported by our Customers. So keep our website on your favourites list. Our website is now fully live and you can contact us with your questions or suggestions of topics you would like us to research on for you. You can also send us articles and news stories you have found useful. Our contact email is .   Welcome to our new website!